There is no “right” time to start a legacy plan
“It’s always too soon, until it’s too late.” - The Conversation Project
My sister and I started to talk about the concept of I Am Willing after experiencing two unexpected deaths in our family. Her father-in-law and sister-in-law passed away, on the same day, a week before Christmas. Having known both since I was five years old, I lost a grandfather and a sister-aunt.
Neither had a will or a plan. Not only did they leave behind grieving children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, but they also left behind a home, cars, clothes, cash, and more. It’s possible they also left behind wealth that was never found - an old life insurance policy, cash in a secret place, or a savings account without a beneficiary.
Although my sister and her husband stepped up to manage the situation, few people are prepared emotionally and financially prepared to handle what comes next over the next several months, or years:
This word cloud isn’t even the half of it…
So much sleep has been lost wondering: What would they have wanted? Are we doing the right thing?
Everyone did the best they could with two memorials, two funerals, and two burials. Everyone did what they thought was best with a lifetime worth of belongings. But no one will ever really know if the wishes of those who left us were fulfilled.
By taking the 3 steps shared in our free guide, you can make the grieving process a little bit easier for your family after you’re gone. They will worry less about honoring your wishes and spend more time celebrating your life and legacy.
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