The Fear Factor

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

—Rosa Parks

If you asked your family and friends about their legacy plan, you’d probably get a range of reactions: suspicion, nervous laughter, surprise, worry. We know we should have something like a will, but most of us don’t.

Why? Why is it so hard to get started?

I’ve spent the last year researching and talking to friends and family, and I think it comes down to one thing. Fear. 

  • Fear of death and dying. 

  • Fear that thinking about it will bring it on quicker. 

  • Fear that talking about it will bring people down. 

  • Fear that you haven’t done much and don’t have much to make it worth the effort.

The interesting thing about fear is that it can also be a motivator.

For the first time ever, 18-34 year-olds are more likely to have a will than 35 – 54 year-olds. Why would this be?

It’s difficult to admit, but I think we might be motivated by fear. We have witnessed:  

  • Two recessions (one for our parents and one for us)

  • Two foreign wars that spanned most of our lifetimes

  • Crippling debt from school or the rising cost of living

And in the last two years, we have all witnessed COVID-19 affect our young and healthy friends, as well as our elders. Yes, we have a lot to fear.

But we have decided to not let the fear paralyze us and take away our ability to do something. We can control our futures and make a plan. As Rosa Parks said, We know what must be done, for ourselves, for our families, and for our future. This reduces the fear.

Download the three step guide to help you with the first steps on your journey to a legacy plan.


Introducing the Deep Dive Series


What the ‘Queen of Soul’ Can Teach Us About Legacy Planning