Back to School, Back to Basics

“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” - Michael Jordan

I loved back to school time as a kid. The shopping for new clothes, new shoes, and new school supplies made me look forward to the first day of school. As the only little Black girl in my class at times, I had a built in “cool” factor! Or, so I thought! As parents know, the coolest clothes, shoes, and schools supplies don’t always make it through the school year. It’s not so cute when your straps break and your outfits fade by Thanksgiving!

So what to do? Well, sometimes you have to get back to the basics.

For I Am Willing, getting back to the basics means we start the journey by focusing on life and love. That means no fancy language, no scare tactics about death and dying, and no long, boring documents to read. Sure you could jump ahead and write a will, but how will you know what to leave behind if you haven’t made a list? You could fast forward to talking to a lawyer,

What we offer instead is easy-to-understand information about how you can share your wishes with your loved ones. Just like my favorite classrooms, there is no question that is too big or too small or too dumb. Every fear is valid (even that superstition from your grandma!) If we don’t have the answers, we’ll find them! Let’s talk about it!

In the spirit of Back to School, we’re preparing a free workshop to help you Start the Conversation. Register now to get early access.

We’re also working on a set of courses that build on the 3 Steps to a Legacy Plan worksheet. We want to bring guests, advisors, and YOU to talk about what it’s like to think differently about wealth, write it down, and name your beneficiaries. We want to share stories, good and bad, so we can learn how to start the journey together.

Stay in touch with us on social media or sign up for one-on-one time to talk through your most pressing questions. We look forward to hearing from you!


Love and Legacy


Deep Dive #5: When do I need an advisor?